I have started my “work travels” for the year.

I went to two meetups in Bangalore and New Delhi. I wanted to dry-run a couple of talks I had prepared for the year but ended up talking about open source software in general.

I met many people and had an opportunity to build relationships and get invited to more meetups and conferences.

In two weeks, I will speak at DevOps Asia Summit in Singapore. I have plans to hang back there for a while and meet more of the tech community.

If you are reading this and are in Singapore, hit me up!

Here are some photos from the last few weeks.

Bangalore Airport - 12th January 2023
Work from airports

Bangalore Airport - 12th January 2023

Kamla Nagar, New Delhi - 12th January 2023
Ammuz in Delhi

Kamla Nagar, New Delhi - 12th January 2023

Jama Masjid, New Delhi - 13th January 2023
Nailing the "family color"

Jama Masjid, New Delhi - 13th January 2023

New Delhi - 13th January 2023
Jama Masjid

New Delhi - 13th January 2023

India Gate, New Delhi - 13th January 2023
India Gate(way)

India Gate, New Delhi - 13th January 2023

New Delhi - 14th January 2023
Hridesh and Geeythree

New Delhi - 14th January 2023

New Delhi - 15th January 2023
1st talk of the year

New Delhi - 15th January 2023

New Delhi - 15th January 2023
Delhi FOSS community

New Delhi - 15th January 2023

Koramangala, Bangalore - 21st January 2023
Panel discussion at FOSSUnited Meetup

Koramangala, Bangalore - 21st January 2023

Koramangala, Bangalore - 21st January 2023
Reading through legislature wasn't something I was prepared for but thoroughly enjoyed and found helpful

Koramangala, Bangalore - 21st January 2023

Ernakulam Intercity Express - 22nd January 2023
Work from trains

Ernakulam Intercity Express - 22nd January 2023